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How to Create the Perfect Sleep Schedule for Your Lifestyle

A solid night’s sleep can greatly influence your health and wellness, but many people don’t get enough of it. If you’re tired during the day, it could be because you aren’t getting enough sleep at night—and if you aren’t sleeping enough, that exhaustion might start to take its toll on your overall health and well-being. If you are having trouble falling asleep, read on to find out the advantages of implementing a sleep routine.

Why should you have a stable sleep routine?

When you have a stable sleep routine, you’re able to get more quality sleep. This means that you’ll be well-rested and able to function at your best during the day. A stable sleep routine can also help improve your mood and energy levels, as well as reducing stress levels. The key is in getting your body used to your sleep and wake times by being consistent, regardless of the day of the week. No more late night weekends and lie-ins!

What are the advantages?

A consistent sleep routine can have a number of advantages, including less stress, better concentration and productivity at work, improved immunity and metabolism, reduced depression and anxiety levels, and decreased hunger cravings.

How much sleep do I need?

Most people need between seven and eight hours' sleep. Calculating how much sleep you need is a case of trial and error but one way to work it out is to count back seven-and-a-half hours from your alarm, and if, after a week, you aren't waking up five minutes before it rings, push your bedtime back half an hour until you can wake up without your alarm.

What is in a routine?

We are creatures of habit, and a consistent routine should help your body get used to what is expected of it. Try reducing screen time in the evening, implementing pre-bed relaxation, such as a bath or reading, and keeping lights dim. In a busy, high-stress society, the least we deserve is a good night’s sleep.

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